After a three year hiatus, I’m back in the repair game. It’s a long drawn-out story, and I won’t bore you with details, but it’s been one heck of a ride.
Farewell to thee, O Golden Tee. Ten minutes ago it was sold to a man in Deerfield, MA. Godspeed, GT.
For those who do not already know, I am in the midst of a divorce. My wife will be moving out in just a few days, to a house that her parents have purchased for her. I wish her the very best of luck in whatever endeavour that she pursues. […]
I was trying to think of a witty Popeye (or sailor) themed subject for this post. But, alas, nothing comes to mind. Oh, well. Popeye has joined the ranks of my games which have found a new home. I hope that the new owner can restore it.
It took four years, but this project finally found a new home near Chester, VT. It was bought by a man for his game room yesterday. On to the next great project.
Recent changes in my life have caused me to consider which games are ones that I’ll be able to tackle in a short period, and which games that I can not. Two games left the storage area, today: Tunnel Hunt and Donkey Kong III. I’d always wanted to donate the […]
It seems odd to be considering this the second Pac-Man cocktail when the first barely anything except research and a few pieces of wood that were cut. But, I do still intend on building it, if only to see what I can do. Anyway, back to this project…it happened by […]
It took two years to get my boards back. I wasn’t in a hurry. Another six months of holding onto it before putting it back into the cabinet. And approximately two minutes to blow it up. :p I’d converted the board to use a switching power supply. I had not […]
I can’t believe that it’s been over two years since my last update. The truth is, there hasn’t been a lot to update. I haven’t had a proper workshop in which to work. I never used to let that stop me; I worked downstairs in the foyer; a former neighbor […]
This isn’t mine, but I will chronicle the work on it. A fellow collector picked this up recently with the intention of donating it to the American Classic Arcade Museum (like I’m doing with Tunnel Hunt). Non working with a broken glass, I advised him that it would go to […]