I have so got to get me a digital camera. Found a junk AT case at the same place I got the keyboard from. I’m going to carve it up and modify it to accomidate the cabinet. Pics when I can. FYI, I usually update the sections as I do […]
I’m pretty sure I’ve got the frontend worked out, mostly. The first version is here, it’s a very simple script, using dialog (see previous entry). It will take me some time to type all the games I want into the list, but it’s the simplest way I see, so far, […]
Bought a keyboard today from the computer dude down the street. Cost me a total of $3.00. Going to hack it for the interface. Not quite sure yet, but I’ve gotten some pointers from Arcade Controls, which has quite a bit of information.
I think I’ve found what I’m going to use as the frontend. It’s a program called Dialog, which makes pretty menus. Time will tell. The site has some nice screenshots. I’ve going to see what I can do, and I’ll give it a shot.
I found this great picture on K-Mart’s website of all things. A lot of people have no clue what I’m talking about when I mention a cocktail cabinet. Perhaps this will bring some clarity. Pac Man/Galaga Cocktail Table
I’ve contacted several companies dealing with arcade games today. Most had nothing. A supplier in Keene stated that they had several dead games in stock. The woman I talked to stated she would speak to her husband regarding these. I’d really rather build from scratch, but for this (at least, […]
Like I said on the opening page, I’m not sure what motherboard I’m going to use. My first intention was going to be to use an old 486 to power this, but after compiling xmame, I found that the little 486 that could, well, couldn’t. Perhaps it’s because of the […]
I’ve been updating my site in general over the last little bit, and haven’t worked on my box as of yet. I’m in the process of sketching some blueprints for the cabinet. I’ve got a really good idea of what direction I want to go, but it’s going to depend […]
Howdy ho! This is going to be my page about my M.A.M.E. Cocktail box. M.A.M.E. (Just plain Mame from here on) is the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. It’s capable of emulating somewhere around 3,000 arcade games. From Pac Man to Galaga to Street Fighter. And it runs on ordinary PC […]